Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All my friends are getting married, I'm learning the exceptions to hearsay

This is the summer of weddings for a lot of my friends.  It was bound to happen at some point, but I'm a little sad that they all decided this summer was the summer, because I had to turn down half of the invites.

This weekend I'll be heading to Puerto Rico for the second wedding of the summer, for an old high school friend.  I would have loved to turn this one into an extended vacation for myself, but it falls pretty much right in the middle of my studying.  So, what will I be packing for this 36 hours in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean, right?  Since I'll be there for such a short time, I haven't even bothered to look at where it is on a map or find out what's there, since it'll just be disappointing that I can't see it/go there)?  Well, I will be bringing my digital and film cameras, sunblock, a dress to wear to the wedding, my bathing suit in hopes that the beach is right outside of the hotel, a million flash cards, a few books of substantive law, and my iPod filled with lectures on Evidence, Constitutional law and the like.  

This week the studying has been more difficult, as Evidence has been the focus.  Each day when I start studying, it feels like the first time I've ever looked at this stuff, and at each lecture, it feels like the first time I've ever heard the rules, even though I've been looking at it/listening to it for four days.  It's like Groundhog's Day.  I'm just moving on to Con. law now to feel better about myself, and am praying that the bar examiners will forget to put an Evidence question on the essay exam this year.  That seems unlikely, since it's been on every bar exam ever, so I'll make sure to bring a couple $20s into the exam with me, so I can slip them into my Evidence answer booklet when I forget all 30 exceptions to the Hearsay rule.  (Please note sarcasm.  Additionally, am too poor as a law school graduate to be slipping my twenties to bar graders).

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