Monday, July 28, 2008

It's time

Today I'm heading to Baltimore to check into my hotel and get settled, and then on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be taking the bar exam. Send positive thoughts my way on Tuesday, the essay day, I'll need them!

I'm finally nervous, and wish I could take the bar right now to just get it over with. I made myself a list the other day of a few specific points of law that I feel like I need to take another look at before the exam, so that's all I'm going to look at today. My predictions for the exam, based on reviewing past exams, are that if Constitutional Law is tested, the question will be about the First Amendment, and that criminal law and contracts (possibly combined with business associations) will be tested heavily. I'm hoping that the bar examiners continue the recent trend of not testing U.C.C. 3, 4 and 9 on the exam, although if they test any of them, I really hope it's 3 and 4 (negotiable instruments and bank/customer relations).

Now that I look at my predictions, I think I based them on the assumption that the bar examiners will test me on what I'm least comfortable with.

I'm not at all worried about the multiple choice, because in my mind, how I feel after tomorrow will be the real indicator of how the exam went. I hope I at least feel like I spotted all the issues, used all the facts, and came to a reasonable conclusion.

Wish me luck (although I'm not going to be on the internet until Thursday)!

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