Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last day of bar prep

Aside from one more full day essay practice test, my bar prep class is finished. I have 11 full days until the bar exam, and two weeks from today, I expect to be lying on my couch slightly hungover. I doubt that I'll really post a lot between now and the exam, because I have always been a procrastinator and a crammer, and over the next 11 days, I'll be doing essay questions until my brain explodes. While I'm cramming in the last tidbits of law, one of my good friends is about to begin an epic journey of his own, which is much more interesting and entertaining than mine. Scott is participating in the Mongol Rally, where a bunch of people purchase cheap cars with ridiculously small engines and drive them from London to Mongolia for charity. You can read about his adventures here

After almost two months of bar prep, here are some of my final thoughts:

1. Several people told me that the bar exam is like a marathon, not a sprint. This comparison didn't work well for me, because I finished a marathon and trained very inadequately (to the point where my boyfriend only came because I called him around mile 21 and told him to meet me at the finish line with Advil). Apparently I am capable of doing impressive things without appropriate training, so let's hope the bar exam is one of them! Also, I've "trained" waaaaay more for the bar than I did the marathon. 

2. First cousins can marry in Maryland. Ewwwwwwww.

3. Going to Puerto Rico in the middle of my studying was a good thing. I'm happy with my decision to take a bar prep class that encourages taking frequent breaks from studying. 

4. Even live lectures didn't make UCC Title 9 any more bearable.

5. It's past my bedtime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for promoting the blog Mandy! I'm in Germany right now (for the first time since 2002).

Best of luck with the bar!
