Monday, April 28, 2008

Final Finals

Tomorrow I start my last week of finals as a law student (yes, I will have finals next year during my LL.M., but I don't want to think about those right now).  I have all four of them back to back, so the professors have time to grade them to make sure I can really graduate.  Luckily, I'm pretty sure I will pass all of the finals, although I only need to pass two in order to graduate.  Unfortunately, I've put a little more pressure on myself to do better than just passing, because my g.p.a. is .02 away from graduating at a higher level of honors than I'm at right now.  I should just be content with where I am, because I really haven't put in the type of work that should be required to graduate from law school with honors any higher than what I'm at.

Okay, back to studying before Joe notices that I'm playing on the internet and not reviewing Wills.

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