Monday, May 26, 2008

What I did today

I've been reading and reviewing torts (which are actually civil wrongs, not cakes, and include assault, battery, false imprisonment, negligence, products liability, etc.) today, and making lots of flash cards.  Torts is one of the six subjects tested on the MBE (multiple choice) day of the bar, and I actually remember most of it from the first year of law school.  It's also tested on the Maryland essay exam as well.  

I've already used lots of index cards, and am nowhere near finished, and this is just one of about 11 subjects that I'm going to be studying over the next two months.  I also imagine that I'll go through lots of paper taking practice exams and notes over the course of the summer. Environmental law is not one of the subjects tested on the Maryland bar exam.  In addition to all that potential wasted paper, I also have nine volumes of photocopied outlines and study aids from my bar prep class.  I'm not planning on getting rid of anything until I find out my results in early November, but if I pass the exam, does anyone have any interesting recycling suggestions besides just dumping it in the recycling bin (or, more likely, selling it to a future Maryland bar taker)?  

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