Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mid-studying 36 hour Puerto Rican Adventure

I chose to take the more local bar prep class, instead of the Big Commercial Bar Prep Course That Everyone Else Takes, because I think I'll prefer live lectures to videotaped. It's amazing to me that these companies can get away with charging over $2500 for the privilege of sitting in a room for four hours a day watching videotapes. If I wanted to watch videos all summer, I would go to two movies per day in the theater, for five days a week, and pay the premium price of $10 per movie. So that's $100 per week ($20/day x 5 days/week), which is roughly $400-$500 per month. If I did that for three months, I would pay a total of $1500, which is still significantly cheaper than even the bar prep course I'm taking. I know a lot more about law school than I do film, but I'm willing to bet that it's a lot more expensive to make a major motion picture than it is to make a video for a bar prep course, yet it's a lot cheaper to go to the movies than it is to bar prep.

Anyway, my point is that my bar prep class is smaller and more personalized. As soon as I paid my deposit last week, I got an e-mail from the VP letting me know that if I had any questions about my study schedule, I should contact them. I immediately e-mailed them to find out the "expert/professional" opinion on just how detrimental it would be to my bar prep to go to Puerto Rico for a weekend in late June to go to my best friend's wedding. I got a long response yesterday, that concluded by the VP telling me he thought I should go to the wedding, which was the response I wanted, but not the response I expected. So I went ahead and bought my ticket, and I'll be in Puerto Rico for about 36 hours. I'm thinking of it as a scoping out trip, to decide if it's somewhere I want to go on a real vacation.

P.S. I had my last real law school class today. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just make sure you don't spend the whole time on the beach and miss the wedding. or is it too hot there to lay out at the beach? maybe the pool would be better...